
table bay Mall
Paarl Valleij
Val De Vie
Riverclub Earthworks
Main Road 240
Upgrade of Trunk Road 28

Completed projects

Client Consultant Nature of works Works Value
Swartland Municipality AECOM SA
David Vivier - 079 663 7124
NMT Malmesbury
Construction of Roads and Sidewalks
R 10.4m
Molenvliet Vineyards BVP
Stephan Brand - 083 261 7330
MolenVliet Emergency Work
Emergency Flood Repairs
R 1.5m
Zenprop Zutari Riverclub Earthworks
Importation of 50 000m3 fill and 35 000m2 g5 platform area.
R 15m
Theewaterskloof Municipality Element 2030
Francois Ryke - 082 372 8644
Upgrading of Tesselaarsdal Water Network, Ph 1 R 5.5m
Theewaterskloof Municipality Lukhozi
Naas Van Zyl - 021 686 2550
Grabouw Bulk Water
R 9.9m
Isipani Isipani Brights Hardware
Richmond Park
R 7.6m
Zenprop Zutari Paving
Riverclub Phase 1
R 700 000
Val De Vie Bigen Africa
Adelle Maartens - 021 919 6976
VdV Access pad R 1.7m
Witzenburg Muncipality Ix Engineers Waverenskroon Pompstasie
R 7.6m
City of Cape Town HHO Engineers 363Q - FW De Klerk (Cape Town CBD)
Storm Water & Road Construction
R 6m
Garden Cities BVI Consulting Eng
Fara Bawa - 021 527 7000
Sunningdale Treated Effluent Pipeline R 7m
Lewis Manhatton Zutari
Bertus Vermeulen - 021 526 9400
ERF 579 Franschoek
Construction of Roads & All Civil Services
R 5m
Garden Cities BVI Consulting Eng
Fara Bawa - 021 527 7000
Stonecutters Ridge
Construction of Roads & All Civil Services
R 7.6m
Milnerton Estate BVI Consulting Eng
Francois - 021 527 7000
Rivergate Phase 2
Construction of Roads & All Civil Services
R 5m
CFA Motors Mowana
Freek van Renssen - 021 003 5094
Upgrade of Okavango Road
Road Widening & Associated Pipework
R 5m
Client Consultant Nature of works Works Value
WBHO Du Toit Pienaar
Pierre Botha - 071 685 2675
WCBS Maitland
New Building, All Associated Civil Engineering Work
R 7.4m
City of Cape Town EAS Engineers
Fuzail Hakim
363Q Bellville Taxi Rank
Parking Area Civil Engineering Work
R 8.5m
Isipani Steven Minaar Sevenview Pick & Pay
Shopping Centre Civil Engineering Works
R 3.5m
Power A1
Francois - 021 527 7000
Nissan Paarl
Civil Engineering Works
R 3.7m
Milnerton Estate BVI Consulting Eng
Francois - 021 527 7000
Rivergate Erf 165 Phase 1
Construction of Roads & All Civil Services
R 12.4m
Stabilid Broadco Consulting
Coenie Beneke - 084 216 6936/td>
Food Lovers Milnerton
Construction of Roads & All Civil Services
R 12.4m
Rabie Big Ben Construction
Byron Gordon - 021 201 6810
Quinta Burgundy Estate
Construction of Roads & All Civil Services
R 6.07m
Milnerton Estate BVI Consulting Eng
Franciscus Greeff - 021 527 7000
Construction of Roads, all Civil services and retention pond
(Rivergate Erf 165, Phase 1)
R 14.2m
Rabie Big Ben Construction
Byron Gordon - 021 201 6810
Civil Engineering Works
R 7.9m
Epping Fresh Market Sam Buys - 083 628 7866 Construction of new and rehabilitation of roads and traders area within the market R 17m
Growthpoint Properties APPA
Adrian Wiehahn - 079 322 9452
Construction of new precast boundary wall R 500 000
Milnerton Estates BVI Consulting Eng
David Ahlschlager - 021 527 7000
Construction of Roads and all Civil services
Sandown 1C6
R 16.2m
Checkers De Vos Paxton
Carl Roux - 021 250 0300
Demolition of building and construction of new parking area R 600 000
Client Consultant Nature of works Works Value
Garden Cities BVI Consulting Eng
Adriaan Smit - 021 527 7000
Construction of Roads and all Civil services
R 15.02m
Milnerton Estate BVI Consulting Eng
David Ahlschlager - 021 527 7000
Construction of Roads and all Civil services
Sandown 1C5
R 6.35m
Milnerton Estate BVI Consulting Eng
David Ahlschlager - 021 527 7000
Construction of Roads and all Civil services
Cedar Square
R 4.58m
COCT City of Cape Town
Jacques Malgas - 073 443 0232
Ruyterwacht Elsiesriver Uitsig Mill & Fill – Resurfacing of Roads R 7.95m
PAWC Mott McDonald
Louw Venter - 021 820 5900
Rehab of DIV Road 1111 between MR217 and Kalbaskraal R 81.81m
Milnerton Estate BVI Consulting Eng
Ingrid De Beer - 021 527 7000
Construction of Roads and all Civil services R 7.47m
Val De Vie Bigen Africa
Adelle Maartens - 021 919 6976
River Farm
Construction of Roads & All Civil Services
R 26m
Client Consultant Nature of works Works Value
Rabie Big Ben Construction
Byron Gordon - 021 201 6810
Construction of Roads and all Civil services
R 18.04m
Constantia Glen JG Afrika
Steven Du Toit - 021 530 1800
Constantia Glen
Construction of Roads and all Civil services
R 3.25m
OZ Prop Capital Lyners
Alex Groenewald - 021 914 0300
Durbanville Industrial Park Phase 2 R 1.9m
Basfour Properties 2295 Zutari
Neil Laubscher - 021 526 9400
Parow Shopping Centre Rerouting of DN450 and DN300 along West Street R 7.7m
BIG BEN De Vos Paxton
Carl Roux - 021 250 0300
Bowtie Retirement
Construction of Roads & All Civil Services
R 10m
Milnerton Estates BVI Consulting Eng
Ingrid De Jager - 021 527 7000
Sunningdale Phase 13C
Construction of Roads and all Civil services
R 16.3m
Milnerton Estates BVI Consulting Eng
Ingrid De Jager - 021 527 7000
Sunningdale Phase 1C-2
Construction of Roads and all Civil services
R 5.91m
Milnerton Estates BVI Consulting Eng
Ingrid De Jager - 021 527 7000
Rivergate Erf 74 Phase 1
Construction of Roads and all Civil services
R 11.42m
Table Bay Mall Zutari
Neil Laubscher - 021 526 9400
Bright’s Warehouse – Table Bay Mall
Construction of Roads & All Civil Services
R 5.2m
Val De Vie Bigen Africa
Adelle Maartens - 021 919 6976
Biodiversity Link Road Construction R 1.5m
Val De Vie Bigen Africa
Adelle Maartens - 021 919 6976
The Acres Phase 1
Construction of Roads & All Civil Services
R 28m
Concor Developments Nadeson Consulting Eng
Andre Dyers - 021 443 2601
Conradie Park Internal
Construction of Roads & All Civil Services
R 62.1m
Concor Developments BVi Consulting Eng
Andrew Geel - 021 527 7000
Conradie Park External
Road widening and Extension of railway bridge
R 56.04m
New File Eight Lyners Consulting Eng
Harlind Eng - 021 914 0300
Earthworks and Construction of all Civil services and sewer pumpstation R 9.54m
PAWC BVI Consulting Eng
André Greyling - 021 527 7000
Rehab of DIV Road 1688 from Calitzdorp to the Calitzdorp turnoff R 92.66m
PAWC ERO Engineers
Dave Dougall - 021 975 6200
Rehab of MR240 between Vredenburg and Paternoster R 95.59m
PAWC AECOM Engineers
Alexi Maravelias - 021 950 7500
Rehab of TR23 Hermon to Gouda and MR23 Wellington to Hermon R 90.12m
BIG BEN SNT Consulting Eng.
Willie Van Der Merwe - 043 726 0025
OLBE Retirement Burgundy
Construction of Roads & All Civil Services
R 19.4m
Concor AECOM
Francois Van Loon - 021 950 7500
Data storage facility – Film studio’s Phase 3
Bulk Earthworks & Civil Works
R 8.74m
Concor AECOM
Francois Van Loon - 021 950 7500
Data storage facility – Atlantic Hills Phase 3 R 9.32m
Client Consultant Nature of works Works Value
OZ Prop Capital Lyners
Mario Filippi - 021 914 0300
Durbanville Business Park R 6.5m
Milnerton Estates BVI Consulting Eng
Christoff De Jager - 021 527 7000
Koeberg RD Ext Sandown to Tryall Road R 24.5m
ACDC MLC Quantity Surveyors
Shamiema Barden - 021 673 5800
ACDC - Richmond Park R 6m
Santam / Newlands Zutari
Simeon Solomons - 021 526 9400
Newlands Cricket Ground R 12m
University of Stellenbosch JG Afrika
Benjamin Biggs - 021 530 1800
Installation of Greywater treatment plant and reticulation for Greywater R 9.51m
BIG BEN SNT Consulting Eng
Willie VD Merwe - 043 726 0025
Clara Anna Retirement R 18.5m
Concor AECOM
Francois Van Loon - 021 950 7500
Data storage facility – Atlantic Hills R 35m
Concor AECOM
Francois Van Loon - 021 950 7500
Data storage facility – Film studio’s R 36m
Advance Galvanizing Advance Galvanizing
Johan Louw - 021 951 6242
Rehab of Parking and Driveway/ yard R 1.8m
WBHO Zutari
Braam Basson - 021 526 9400
Sable Corner R 4m
